Source code for hyde.ext.plugins.text

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Text processing plugins

from hyde.plugin import Plugin, TextyPlugin

# Blockdown

[docs]class BlockdownPlugin(TextyPlugin): """ The plugin class for block text replacement. """ def __init__(self, site): super(BlockdownPlugin, self).__init__(site) @property def tag_name(self): """ The block tag. """ return 'block' @property def default_open_pattern(self): """ The default pattern for block open text. """ return '^\s*===+([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)=*\s*$' @property def default_close_pattern(self): """ The default pattern for block close text. """ return '^\s*===+/+\s*=*/*([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]*)[\s=/]*$' def text_to_tag(self, match, start=True): """ Replace open pattern (default:===[====]blockname[===========]) with {% block blockname %} or equivalent and Replace close pattern (default===[====]/[blockname][===========]) with {% endblock blockname %} or equivalent """ return super(BlockdownPlugin, self).text_to_tag(match, start)
# # Mark Text #
[docs]class MarkingsPlugin(TextyPlugin): """ The plugin class for mark text replacement. """ def __init__(self, site): super(MarkingsPlugin, self).__init__(site) @property def tag_name(self): """ The mark tag. """ return 'mark' @property def default_open_pattern(self): """ The default pattern for mark open text. """ return u'^§§+\s*([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\s*$' @property def default_close_pattern(self): """ The default pattern for mark close text. """ return u'^§§+\s*/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]*)\s*$' def text_to_tag(self, match, start=True): """ Replace open pattern (default:§§ CSS) with {% mark CSS %} or equivalent and Replace close pattern (default: §§ /CSS) with {% endmark %} or equivalent """ return super(MarkingsPlugin, self).text_to_tag(match, start)
# # Reference Text #
[docs]class ReferencePlugin(TextyPlugin): """ The plugin class for reference text replacement. """ def __init__(self, site): super(ReferencePlugin, self).__init__(site) @property def tag_name(self): """ The refer tag. """ return 'refer to' @property def default_open_pattern(self): """ The default pattern for mark open text. """ return u'^※\s*([^\s]+)\s*as\s*([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\s*$' @property def default_close_pattern(self): """ No close pattern. """ return None def text_to_tag(self, match, start=True): """ Replace open pattern (default: ※ as inc) with {% refer to "" as inc %} or equivalent. """ if not match.lastindex: return '' params = '"%s" as %s' % (match.groups(1)[0], match.groups(1)[1]) return self.template.get_open_tag(self.tag_name, params)
# # Syntax Text #
[docs]class SyntextPlugin(TextyPlugin): """ The plugin class for syntax text replacement. """ def __init__(self, site): super(SyntextPlugin, self).__init__(site) @property def tag_name(self): """ The syntax tag. """ return 'syntax' @property def default_open_pattern(self): """ The default pattern for block open text. """ return '^\s*~~~+\s*([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.:\']+)\s*~*\s*$' @property def default_close_pattern(self): """ The default pattern for block close text. """ return '^\s*~~~+\s*$' def get_params(self, match, start=True): """ ~~~css~~~ will return css ~~~css/style.css will return css,style.css """ params = super(SyntextPlugin, self).get_params(match, start) if ':' in params: (lex, _, filename) = params.rpartition(':') params = 'lex=\'%(lex)s\',filename=\'%(filename)s\'' % locals() return params def text_to_tag(self, match, start=True): """ Replace open pattern (default:~~~~~css~~~~~~) with {% syntax css %} or equivalent and Replace close pattern (default: ~~~~~~) with {% endsyntax %} or equivalent """ return super(SyntextPlugin, self).text_to_tag(match, start)
# # Text Links #
[docs]class TextlinksPlugin(Plugin): """ The plugin class for text link replacement. """ def __init__(self, site): super(TextlinksPlugin, self).__init__(site) import re self.content_link = re.compile('\[\[([^\]^!][^\]]*)\]\]', re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE) self.media_link = re.compile('\[\[\!\!([^\]]*)\]\]', re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE) def begin_text_resource(self, resource, text): """ Replace content url pattern [[/abc/def]]) with {{ content_url('/abc/def') }} or equivalent and Replace media url pattern [[!!/abc/def]] with {{ media_url('/abc/def') }} or equivalent. """ if not resource.uses_template: return text def replace_content(match): return self.template.get_content_url_statement(match.groups(1)[0]) def replace_media(match): return self.template.get_media_url_statement(match.groups(1)[0]) text = self.content_link.sub(replace_content, text) text = self.media_link.sub(replace_media, text) return text