
Hyde is configured using one or more yaml files. On top of all the niceties yaml provides out of the box, Hyde also adds a few power features to manage complex websites.

If a site has a site.yaml file in the root directory, it is used as the configuration for generating the website. This can be overridden by providing a command line option. See the command line reference for details.


Configuration files can inherit from another file using the extends option. For example, the following configuration will inherit all properties from site.yaml and override the mode property:

extends: site.yaml
mode: production

This is useful for customizing the site to operate in different modes. For example, when running locally you may want your media files to come from /media but on production you may have a subdomain and want the media to come from

This can be accomplished by creating an extended configuration file and overriding the media_url property.


Add link to real example config.

The following settings can be defined for use in templates:

Paths & URLs

media_root The root path where media files (images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) can be found. This may be used by plugins for special processing. If your website does not have a folder that contains all media, you can safely omit this property. Defaults to media.
media_url The url prefix for serving media files. If you are using a CDN like Amazon S3 or the Rackspace cloud and host all of your media files from there, you can make use of this property to specify the prefix for all media files. Defaults to /media.
base_url The base url from which the site is served. If you are hosting the website in a subdomain or as part of a larger website, you can specify this property to indicate the path of this project in your website. Defaults to /.

Plugins and Templates

template The template engine to use for processing the website can be specified in the configuration file as a Python class path. Currently, only Jinja2 is supported. Reserved for future use. Defaults to hyde.ext.templates.jinja.jinja2template.
plugins Plugins are specified as list of Python class paths. Events that are raised during the generation of the website are issued to the plugins in the same order as they are listed here. You can learn more about how the individual plugins are configured in the plugin documentation. Optional. By default, no plugins are enabled.

Context Data

The context section contains key / value pairs that are simply passed on to the templates.

For example, given the following configuration, the statement {{ app.current_version }} in any template will output 0.6:

            version: 0.6

By default, no context variables are provided.

Context Data Providers

Providers are special constructs used to import data into the context. For example, data from a database can be exported as yaml and imported as a provider. For example, the following snippets would import the data in app-versions.yaml into context[versions]. This data can then be used directly in templates in this manner: {{ versions.latest }}.

# site.yaml
        versions: app-versions.yaml
# app-versions.yaml
latest: 0.6


Extensions and extension configuration for markdown can be configured in the markdown property. You can read about markdown extensions in the Python-Markdown documentation.

The following configuration will use the def_list, tables, headerid extensions in Python-Markdown.