

Hyde is a static website generator written in Python. While Hyde took life as Jekyll‘s evil twin, it has since been completely consumed by the dark side and has taken on an identity of its own.

Hyde desires to fulfill the lofty goal of removing the pain points involved in creating and maintaining static websites.


  • Support for powerful template languages like Jinja2 complemented with custom tags and filters.
  • Rich object model and overridable hierarchical metadata available for use in templates.
  • Configurable sorting, tagging, and grouping support.
  • Extensible Plugins architecture with text preprocessing and HTML postprocessing support for complex content transformations.
  • Instant preview using built-in webserver that regenerates content if needed.


Hyde is available on PyPI.

Installing hyde is as simple as running the following command:

$ python -m pip install hyde


After installing hyde, creating and generating a website is extremely simple.

To create a new Hyde website:

$ hyde -s /path/to/your/site create

To generate the HTML:

$ cd /path/to/your/site
$ hyde gen

To serve the generated content, use Hyde’s built-in web server:

$ hyde serve

The website is now accessible at http://localhost:8080.

The webserver regenerates the necessary files to serve your request. So, you can make your changes and simply refresh your browser to view them.

For all the supported options, read the Command Line Reference documentation or run:

$ hyde --help

Your First Hyde Website

Hyde uses the basic layout to generate your website by default. When you view your generated website, you will see the following dummy pages:

#FIXME: images

You can now continue to edit the content, layout and styles to customize it to your needs. Please see the Templates documentation for more information.

Indices and tables